16" Round Bed
15" Tunnel
Carpeted Post 2-4", & 2'
Approx. Height 30''
16"x20" Base
2-16" Round Beds
Carpeted Post: 1' & 2'
Approx. Height 30''
16"x20" Base
3-Perches, 15" Tunnel
Carpeted Post: 3-4", 2', & 3'
Approx. Height 45''
16"x20" Base
Perch, Bed, Tunnel
Carpeted Logs: 2-6", 2', & 3'
Approx. Height 42''
24"x24" Base
2-Perches, Tunnel
Carpeted Logs: 2-6", 2', & 3'
Approx. Height 42''
24"x24" Base
3 Beds
Carpeted Logs: 1', 2', & 3'
Approx. Height 42''
24"x24" Base
3-Perches, Tunnel
Carpeted Logs: 2-6", 2', 3', & 4'
Approx. Height 54''
24"x24" Base
4-Perches, Tunnel
Carpeted Logs: 2-6", 2', 3', 4', & 5'
Approx. Height 66''
24"x24" Base
Want to rest, play, and scratch? These trees are purr-fect. They are all carpeted and built sturdy so you and your pets can sleep well knowing everyone is safe.
LARGE TREES and MINI TREES- Logs will show visual signs of cracking; hearing cracking and popping is normal. Please don't be alarmed. Cracking helps release tension and pressure of shrinking or expanding wood. We DO NOT use chemicals to stop the cracking process. Cracks will not affect the integrity of the structure. Have any questions please contact us.